domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018


I’m studying chemistry and pharmacy and I would like to change so many thing of my study programme. Talking about the courses, I think that the courses that we have are so good, and everyone it’s so necessary for our formation, although, I that there are some courses that are so boring, like physical chemistry, but it’s a very useful course if you want, for example to work in investigation. So, there are so many courses that I love, like Organic chemistry or botanical, because I think that they are so interesting, and the professors are so good.
Talking about the workload is so hard, you don have enough time to study for all your courses, or it’s so hard to study for all your courses and obtain good marks in each test; In the university of Chile, there are so many problem of metal health with the students for the workload, it’s a very worrying topic.
I think that the length of chemistry and pharmacy in the University of Chile is fine, the duration of the career is eleven semesters, isn’t a very extensive career, and neither is a very short career. Talking about the faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure), I think there is still much to improve; some courses have so many students, and the teaching it’s very difficult far that; it´s unacceptable that so many times in a classroom so many people must sit down on the floor because there are not chairs. More places are needed to study, the library is almost all the time full. The use of technology it’s fine and the teaching methods of so many professors could get better.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018


  • What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

I think that is so complicated to maintain an exotic pet in your house, they need a special care. For example, reptiles need a special temperature to survive because they have cold blood. If you want to have an exotic pet, you need to have special knowledge about their care, and to maintain contact with a responsible vet.
  • What is your opinion about killing stray dogs to prevent sanitary problems and animal over population?

I think that is so unnecessary and cruel; there are so many other methods to prevent sanitary problems and animal over population. For the control of the over population of stray dogs is so effective sterilisation, or educates to the population about responsible possession of pets.
  • What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I think that the legalizing of marijuana would has so bad things, and I think that just would has one good thing. If marijuana is legalized in Chile probably its traffic could decrease, but marijuana is a drug, and it has so many effects in our organism, therefore its consumption could be dangerous. I think the medicinal use of the marijuana should be more regularized.
  • What is your opinion about violence on television?

I think that violence in television is so bad for the children; they need to have a good education and learn that violence is a very bad thing nowadays in the world. The children can learn many bad things watching television. I think that in the news is correct to inform about violence events because we live in a globalized world, but is important to say to the children that the violence is a bad thing always.

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018


Hi everyone, today I will talk about my favourite foods. There are so many food that I doesn’t like, like the pork meat, broccoli, or olives, but there are so many food I love. I don’t have an specific favourite food. I love the sweet food, like cupcakes, chilenitos, lemon pie, bitter chocolate, and many more. One of my favourite sweet foods is lemon pie, because I love the lemon taste and its texture, so pleasant to the palate.  I like when the lemon pie has cookie dough, so delicious!  The last time I ate lemon pie was one month ago, and now I miss its flavor very much. Even though I love the sweet food,

I try not to eat so many sweat foods, for my health. I don’t go to restaurants frequently; almost always I lunch in my house. In special occasions I go to the restaurants, last year I go to the “Picola Italia” is an Italian food restaurant in Santiago, the menu is incredible, the food in the dishes is so abundant, really so abundant food, the prices are regular, no too cheap, but they are not too expensive. The desserts in the Picola Italia are so delicious. In summer I love to go to restaurants in the central littoral. I don’t know how to prepare lemon pie, I’m a mess cooking, but my mother prepares delicious lemon pie.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018


In the future i would like to do a doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences in the Chemical and pharmaceutical sciences faculty of the University of Chile. I would like to have subjects related with natural medicine, botany, etc. I would love to do the doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences abroad, like Europe, or United States, or Canada; there are so many interesting places to study. United States has so many prestigious universities, like Harvard University. Switzerland has the Zurich University, where Albert Einstein studied; it´s architecture is so beautiful, a wonderful view! My first option to do the doctorate in Chile, because make a doctorate abroad is so expensive, but, obviously, if I could do the doctorate abroad, I would do.

Resultado de imagen para universidad de zúrich

I would like a blended system for the doctorate, will be nice have free time to do another activities, like work. I wouldn’t like make a doctorate in which can’t have free time to go out with friends or my family, I would like something more flexible.  I would like to do a doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences because will give me so many skills to work in the health area, and I love the health area, also this doctorate will allow me lead investigations about pharmacobotony. I think the doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences is so interesting because the ´pharmaceutical sciences are so important around the world, and there is a big work field for that in Chile.

Resultado de imagen para farmacobotanica

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018


Currently, I’m coursing the second year of chemistry and pharmacy. In the future, I want to work in job related with the health area. Now, I don’t have a very clear idea about my future job, like a specific job, but I know that I want to work in the health area. I imagine that someday I will work in a pharmacy, but definitely I don’t want to work in a pharmacy all my life; I want a job more versatile, like a job in the Public health institute.

 I would like a job outdoors, but the majority of jobs for a pharmacist are indoors. I think that the average salary for a pharmacist is so acceptable, after some years working. Currently, botany is a subject so interesting for me, and I would like to work in a job related with natural medicine. I live in the countryside, and would be so cool to work doing research about Chilean endemic plants.

Last year, when I’m started to study in the university, I thought to work in the investigation area would be nice, but now I don´t think the same, and maybe next year neither think what I think now about my future job, I have a long way to go.  I would love to travel in my job; I would like to know different places of Chile, of other countries. I know pharmacists that frequently travel to Europe, for the job obviously, so lucky people.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

Blog 4

 I love so many things about my university, but also I hate so many things. I want to start writing about the things I like about University of Chile.

           I like the university ambient, the most of people is so kind and educated, I like the activities that we make into the university, like fairs or the quimifonda. I like that the investigation area in the university is so important. I like the labs of my faculty, and their green areas. I like to go to “ricoffee” because the ambient there is so nice and relaxing.  I love that we have so many dogs in the faculty, and that the people of the faculty take care of them. I like my career because is so scientific, and the subjects are so great.

          There are so many thing I don’t like about the faculty, for example, the library is the most of the time full of people, and there is no silence, is horrible because you can’t concentrate in you studies. In the faculty should exist more places for study, the library is not enough. The library should be bigger, with a silence area. I don’t remember if I had a bad experience in the faculty, but I think that is so disgusting when I’m in class, and are people talking so loud, and I can’t understand what the teacher is talking about.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018

My favorite TV shows

Hi everyone, today I will talk about my favorites tv shows. In my free time, one of my favorite activities is to see TV shows. My favorite kind of TV shows is of science fiction, I love them! In the last summer I saw an awesome TV show called “lost in space”, is a TV Show about a family that is literally lost in space, in an unknown planet about being absorbed by a colossus black hole, and they must leave the planet before that happen. Is a so interesting TV show; with amazing characters and so good effects considering that is just a TV show, not a movie.  I don’t know about the cast, but they are so talented! Lost in space was released last summer in netflix.

Stranger things is another TV show that I see last summer, is so famous in Netflix, and it history is so cool, it’s about a group of children that are looking for their lost friend, then they meet a girl called “eleven”, a girl with the capacity to move objects just with her mind, so crazy!, and this girl is so important to find the lost boy; that is the history of the first season, and the second season is so interesting too. Millie bobby brown plays eleven, she is a so young actress, and she is very talented. The seconds season was released last year, and now I´m waiting for the third season, it will be released in 2019.

Resultado de imagen para stranger things

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018

The best holidays I’ve had

The best holidays I’ve ever had were two years ago, before I started to study in the university. The 2016´s summer was so incredible! I went to Argentina, specifically to Bariloche (the chocolate there was so delicious). I went with my school´s class. I stayed one week in the hotel “sol Bariloche”, but I would like to stay more time in that place. When I was in Bariloche I did so many activities, and all of them were so fun! We did a touristic tour for the town, we visited beautiful lakes and mountains, and we visit an incredible forest. One of the more exciting activities was the canopy, very adrenal. The third day in Bariloche we went to ice skating, but I´m a mess on skating, and finally I fell to the ground, was so painful! But was just pain, fortunately. That trip to Bariloche has been one of my best holidays because the views there were so incredible, and the activities were so interesting. I would like to come back some day to Bariloche, but now with my mother or my best friend.

Resultado de imagen para bariloche

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018


I would like to go to Holland. I know that there are so nice people, the people there are so friendly and educated. I listened to that in a television report. Holland is not a country, Holland is a region and former province on the western coast of the Netherlands. I would like to go to Holland because is a very peaceful place. Houses in Holland are so beautiful, there are not problems with traffic jams, and there are so beautiful places and other very good things. Holland has so many interesting places to visit, like Ana Frank’s House, or the canals of Amsterdam. The tulips Fields of Holland are so famous because they are so beautiful! The color of the tulips and the sky makes a wonderful view. I would like to live in Holland (in a distant future) because the people in Holland have an excellent quality of life, the salary is so acceptable, and crime is controlled. Holland is an excellent place to live quiet.
Resultado de imagen para holanda hd