domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018


I’m studying chemistry and pharmacy and I would like to change so many thing of my study programme. Talking about the courses, I think that the courses that we have are so good, and everyone it’s so necessary for our formation, although, I that there are some courses that are so boring, like physical chemistry, but it’s a very useful course if you want, for example to work in investigation. So, there are so many courses that I love, like Organic chemistry or botanical, because I think that they are so interesting, and the professors are so good.
Talking about the workload is so hard, you don have enough time to study for all your courses, or it’s so hard to study for all your courses and obtain good marks in each test; In the university of Chile, there are so many problem of metal health with the students for the workload, it’s a very worrying topic.
I think that the length of chemistry and pharmacy in the University of Chile is fine, the duration of the career is eleven semesters, isn’t a very extensive career, and neither is a very short career. Talking about the faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure), I think there is still much to improve; some courses have so many students, and the teaching it’s very difficult far that; it´s unacceptable that so many times in a classroom so many people must sit down on the floor because there are not chairs. More places are needed to study, the library is almost all the time full. The use of technology it’s fine and the teaching methods of so many professors could get better.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018


  • What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

I think that is so complicated to maintain an exotic pet in your house, they need a special care. For example, reptiles need a special temperature to survive because they have cold blood. If you want to have an exotic pet, you need to have special knowledge about their care, and to maintain contact with a responsible vet.
  • What is your opinion about killing stray dogs to prevent sanitary problems and animal over population?

I think that is so unnecessary and cruel; there are so many other methods to prevent sanitary problems and animal over population. For the control of the over population of stray dogs is so effective sterilisation, or educates to the population about responsible possession of pets.
  • What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I think that the legalizing of marijuana would has so bad things, and I think that just would has one good thing. If marijuana is legalized in Chile probably its traffic could decrease, but marijuana is a drug, and it has so many effects in our organism, therefore its consumption could be dangerous. I think the medicinal use of the marijuana should be more regularized.
  • What is your opinion about violence on television?

I think that violence in television is so bad for the children; they need to have a good education and learn that violence is a very bad thing nowadays in the world. The children can learn many bad things watching television. I think that in the news is correct to inform about violence events because we live in a globalized world, but is important to say to the children that the violence is a bad thing always.